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UHP Discover:

Who is American Today?

Flavia Bastos, PhD 


Through this research opportunity, I got to work on the project Who is American Today? led by Dr. Flavia Bastos of the DAAP School of Art. 


Who is American Today? Is an ongoing research project that aims to investigate what and whom students consider "American" to be, and how digital media skills play a role in their civic identity. My responsibilities as a Research Assistant included helping to analyze existing data, developing visualization strategies, building a website to host the project, researching literature and editing copy, and finally designing a visual identity for the project.

Final Presentation


I presented this information about both my learning and the research project at large in August 2018, as part of the UHP Discover program. Additionally, I got to hear and learn about all of the other UHP Discover research projects!

image: Dr. Flavia Bastos and I, after my presentation!

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